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My Story is not of my Great Grandmother or my Mother or a family business from years past.... instead it's a story of loving bread and unable to buy quality sourdough bread. Therefore, I went on a journey to discover the lost art of original & organic, 100% natural, high-quality sourdough bread that was not compromised from chemicals & produced using cheap products. 

  Through the years, I have watched many chefs and bakers throughout the world. I've studied numerous amounts of recipes and cookbooks to help perfect the true art of my craft. Finally, all the hard work paid off but not without many of trials and errors to achieve the true perfection of ancient, original artisan sourdough bread from thousands of years ago. 

  My goal then was for my own enjoyment and pleasure of the art of the craft. Quickly family and friends became fans and lovers of my bread encouraging me to produce sourdough for them and to pursue a profession in a professional bakery for everyone to enjoy.  I'm very happy to produce this ancient lost art of high quality, 100% natural and true to its ancient roots, artisan sourdough bread like in the ancient days.  


Our Custom artisan loaves are made by hand using longer and more traditional processes from France. Our artisan breads originate from France where bakeries or boulangeries perfect a vast array of different styles using only the most basic ingredients. Flour, water, salt and a nautral culture are the key ingredients of our artisan breads - and a lack of chemical additives in its ingredients list is a sign that it is truly artisan. Our Artisan Sourdough breads rely on a culture for leavening that is over 1000 years old. 

*Flavor & Aroma:

   Our Artisan Sourdough bread is far superior to any bread you can buy at the store. Because it is hand made in small batches this allows us to deliver greater flavor and aroma development. As professional artisan bread makers we also work in enhancing spices, herbs, berries and olives.

*Crumb & Structure:  

    If you cut into a mass-produced loaf of sourdough bread, you'll typically see a closed structure and dry crumb. With our artisan sourdough bread, you'll find more alveoli (air Pockets) throughout and a stronger more hydrated crumb.

*Health Benefits:  

    Artisan bread may also be better for your gut - especially sourdough. Longer fermentation allows the enzymes in bread to begin to break down gluten, which is not easily digestible for most people. In our artisan sourdough, the lactic acid bacteria produce an enzyme called phytase, which effectively 'pre-digests' the phytic acid during the extended fermentation. This partially neutralizes the effects of the phytic acid and makes the bread easy for us to digest.


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